Monday, January 16, 2012

D%$*%#-Bags, Where do the Come From?


Although I would be amiss to deny some amount of jocularity in the treatment of this topic, as is evident in my title, I am also quite seriously interested in the answer to this questions. Douche-bags fascinate me for I can find no functionality in their existence from either the perspective of the individual human or the society as a whole. They seem to serve no purpose apart from their own immediate selfish desires and so stand as an anathema to social mammals like ourselves.

Needless to say I have had many experiences with douche-bags but my most recent one today is what has spurred me to put this question upon the forum. I will detail this encounter and perhaps the reader will then be in a better position to understand what I mean by the word douche-bag and perhaps even answer the question central to this topic: where do they come from?

So I was driving home from college along my standard route. In front of me is a rather tight cluster of vehicles composed, from front to rear, of a school bus, a power utility truck, and a car who's make I can not recall. Now, both experience and physics compel me in such a situation to give the pack a large following distance to assure I have time to brake should an accident occur at the front of the line. I do this and am driving along happily, perhaps a bit slower than I desire, but what can you do? Not more than a few seconds later I see a black sports car with more stripes than a barber pole approaching fast at 6:00. My douche-dar immediately goes off and I keep one eye on the faggot as he pulls up close behind me. He rides my bumper for only a few seconds before passing me and pulling into the space I had left for braking as if it existed soley for his benefit. I give him a cursory middle finger, entirely unsurprised by his faggotry and assumed it would end there. As he pulls up to tail-gate the third car in the pack, I hit my brakes and fall back in case his antics cause an accident. What he did next surprised even me. He swings out into the opposing lane and proceeds to pass ALL THREE vehicles at once, the car, the power truck, and the school bus. I lean on my horn, not to admonish the douche-bag because that's like hitting a dog for wagging its tail, but rather to warn the other drivers, particularly the bus driver, that a dangerous situation was in progress.

Thankfully, the douche did not cause an accident but he did leave me with the question I put to you all today: where do these people come from? What mind could weigh having to drive a bit slower against the lives of a dozen children and choose the former. What makes such a mind? Could such behavior possibly be reinforced by others or is being a douche-bag somehow inherited.

What say you internets?


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